Product Range / Pharmaceutical Machineries / Granulation / Drum Blender

Drum Blender

Blending implies homogeneous distribution of fluid or particle. Blending requires definite degree and / or purpose to properly define the desired state of system.

Tumbling Mixers work on Diffusion Mixing Mechanism, in diffusive mixing, mobility of individual molecules is achieved by distributing particles over freshly developed surface. Materials are mixed by tumbling them in a partly filled container rotating about a horizontal axis. The rotary motion and gravitational force leads to cascade flow, which moves the material from side of the mixer to the middle of the mixer. When the material falls into the middle of the mixer, it spreads away developing fresh surface areas for efficient and homogeneous blending. This action continuously repeated during each rotation.

Tumbler blenders are of free flowing type and they provide a gentle mixing action. They can be incorporated with the following arrangement.

  • Internal spray arrangement for introducing small amounts of liquid.
  • Mechanically driven devices for breaking up Lumps.

Vats & Vessels offers different distinct vessel shapes, the Drum, Octagonal, Double Cone and V/Y-shape. These shapes provide the ability to select a system best suited to your particular applications. All designs can be fitted with an internal agitator.

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